Turkish occupation works to settle ISIS families in occupied areas
Turkish occupation works to settle ISIS families in occupied areas
- Date: January 4, 2021
- Categories:Rights

- Date: January 4, 2021
- Categories:Rights
Turkish occupation works to settle ISIS families in occupied areas
Avin Jumaa indicated that the Turkish state is trying to divide the Syrian lands and annex them to by settling ISIS families in Serêkaniyê, noting that these practices are crimes against humanity.
The so-called Local Council in Serêkaniyê which was formed by the Turkish occupation announced that it would grant identity cards to Iraqi refugees in Serêkaniyê.
However, the people of Serêkaniyê who were forcibly displaced from their homes confirmed during previous reports published by our agency that there were no Iraqi families in Serêkaniyê before the occupation, except for one family which was displaced from the city during the attacks, and is now residing in Washokani camp, and they explained that these families are ISIS', and the Turkish occupation intends to resettle them in Serêkaniyê, with the aim of changing the demographics of the region, after the displacement of its original inhabitants.
Regarding these crimes of the Turkish occupation, our agency conducted a meeting with the head of the Human Rights Organization in a l-Jazira region, Avin Jumaa.
At the beginning of her speech, Avin Jumaa indicated that the crimes committed by the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries in Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî after its occupation are the same crimes that were committed in Afrin, and she continued: "The Turkish occupation and its mercenaries forcibly displace the inhabitants of the occupied areas from their homes, and settle the mercenaries' families there, with the aim of changing the demographics of the region."
On October 13th, 2019, the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria announced that the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries had smuggled 785 ISIS mercenaries from Ain Issa camp.
Avin Jumaa said that the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries settled more than 400 families of Iraqi ISIS mercenaries in Serêkaniyê city, and added: "When the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries launched their attacks on Ain Issa camp, they smuggled the families of ISIS mercenaries from the camp, and settled them in the occupied areas."
Regarding the decision taken by the so-called Local Council in Serêkaniyê, formed by the Turkish occupation to grant ID cards to the families of Iraqi ISIS mercenaries who are present in Serêkaniyê, Avin Jumaa said: "Before the Turkish state and its mercenaries occupied Serêkaniyê city, they was only one Iraqi family in the city, and this family left the city with the people when the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries launched their attack on it, and what we must realize here is that these practices' goal is not only to change the demographics of the region, but to divide and occupy the Syrian lands."
Avin Jumaa noted that the Turkish state is working to change the map of Syria, by displacing the original people from the region, and this is considered a crime against humanity, and concluded by saying: "The Turkish state, with its crimes, is trying to restore the era of the Ottoman Empire."
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