Turkey: Imprisoned Demirtaş challenges president Erdoğan to a quick test of popularity

Turkey: Imprisoned Demirtaş challenges president Erdoğan to a quick test of popularity

  • Date: December 13, 2021
  • Categories:Rights
Τουρκία: Ο φυλακισμένος Ντεμιρτάς προκαλεί τον Ερντογάν σε μια αναμέτρηση δημοτικότητας

Turkey: Imprisoned Demirtaş challenges president Erdoğan to a quick test of popularity

In response to Turkey's president, who recently expressed doubt that supporters of Selahattin Demirtaş would even be able to organise a rally, Demirtaş challenged him to organising their own rallies, with the person gathering less people agreeing to quit politics.