Protest demonstration against invasion in Berlin
Protest demonstration against invasion in Berlin
- Date: May 15, 2021
- Categories:Rights

- Date: May 15, 2021
- Categories:Rights
Protest demonstration against invasion in Berlin
The demonstration promoted by Nav-Berlin was participated by Dest Dan Women’s Council and activists of TCŞ (Revolutionary Youth Movement) and TekoJIN (Movement of Young Women in Struggle).
A demonstration was held in Berlin to protest the invasion attacks launched by the Turkish state against Medya Defense Zones on April 24th.
Demonstrators gathered at Platz der Republik at 17:00 and stated that they treat the invasion attempts on Medya Defense Zones as a genocide of Kurdish people.
The demonstration promoted by Nav-Berlin was participated by Dest Dan Women’s Council and activists of TCŞ (Revolutionary Youth Movement) and TekoJIN (Movement of Young Women in Struggle). The demonstration began with a moment of silence, after which a statement in German was read out.
Speaking after, politician Sibel Yiğitalp said, “We are here to protest the Turkish attacks and recall the genocide imposed on the Kurdish people to the German government. While the Turkish state carries out invasion attacks on Afrin and Shengal, on the other side it attempts to occupy southern Kurdistan. Turkey intends to inactivate Kurds in democratic and legal fields and criminalise the right of legitimate defense in Kobane. The Turkish state strives to take revenge for the defeat of ISIS in the region on the Kurds and democracy forces. This is the main reason of the terrifying judicial penalties imposed on HDP.”
Speaking after, Hüseyin Yılmaz, co-chair of Nav-Berlin, said: “The Turkish state encountered a tremendous resistance of Kurdish Liberation Movement against the invasion attacks. A NATO member country owning such high technical equipment was remedilessly forced to hide its defeat against such an enormous ideology.”
Yılmaz continued, “For this reason, the Turkish state aims to expand the invasion attempts. We witness how they face serious failures in every field they get in. We salute the Kurdish Freedom Movement and reject the approaches of European countries.”
During the demonstration, the activists chanted slogans such as, “Long Live the Leader Öcalan”, (Biji Serok Apo), “No Life Without the Leader” (Be Serok Jiyan Nabe), “Kurdistan Will Be a Grave for Fascism” (Kürdistan Goristan Ji Bo Faşistan), “Germany Finances Turkish Bombs” (Deutschland finanziert Turkey bombardiert) and “Long Live International Solidarity” (Hoch die Internationale Solidarität).
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