The cultural movement TEV-ÇAND Europe has prepared a new song called ‘Li qadan e’ with the slogan “Ji bo Azadiyê Hunera Azad” (Free art for freedom) ahead of the march to be held in Cologne tomorrow, Saturday.

A march and rally will be held in Cologne tomorrow, Saturday, 16 November, as part of the “Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, Political Solution to the Kurdish Question” campaign.
The cultural movement TEV-ÇAND Europe has prepared a new song called ‘Li qadan e’ with the slogan “Ji bo azadiyê hunera azad” (Free art for freedom) ahead of the march.
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I AcceptTEV-ÇAND Europe has participated in many campaigns for the physical freedom of Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan thriugh various artistic and cultural events. This song tells the story of people’s support and respect for Leader Öcalan.
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