KODAR co-chair Gulan Fehim: People in Rojhilat and Iran are demanding freedom

KODAR co-chair Gulan Fehim: People in Rojhilat and Iran are demanding freedom

  • Date: October 18, 2022
  • Categories:Rights
Ο λαός στο Ροζχιλάτ και το Ιράν απαιτεί ελευθερία

KODAR co-chair Gulan Fehim: People in Rojhilat and Iran are demanding freedom

KODAR co-chair Gulan Fehim said that the main demand of the serhildan, which has been going on for a month in Iran, is freedom, and added: "Our people should rely on their own strength without relying on any foreign power."

Eastern Kurdistan Freedom and Democracy Union (KODAR) co-chair Gulan Fehim evaluated the stage reached by the month-long women-led Rojhilat (East) and Iran serhildan. Fehim commemorated those who lost their lives during this resistance, and pointed out that people from many countries of the world supported the demonstrators with different actions.

Stating that the serhildan, which has spread to all parts of Rojhilat and Iran, will achieve important results, Fehim said: “Our women took a stance worthy of them. We think that this stance will become even stronger. This resistance led by women has revived the struggle for freedom and equality, as well as for a meaningful life in Rojhilat and Iran.

'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi' is a philosophy

Gulan Fehim said that the level of support of the resistance in Rojhilat and Iran is very high and continued: "The slogan 'Jin, Jiyan, Azadi' in the demonstrations expresses a philosophy, ideology and a new life. Although women are at the forefront of this struggle, this demand is for the whole society and therefore the support is growing."

Fehim drew attention to the statement of Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan: "Without women's freedom, society cannot be free," and added that "this is the approach that is currently being taken as a basis in Rojhilat and Iran. Just as there were events that shook the regimes in Arab countries – the so-called 'Arab spring' in 2010-2011 - we are now witnessing the same with the people living in Iran and Rojhilat."

The people of Rojhilat are very conscious

Fehim stated that although the resistance that emerged in Arab countries led to some rights for the people, it did not lead to radical changes because it did not involve all segments of society.

Reminding that the popular uprisings in Rojhilat and Iran were suppressed before, Fehim underlined that a different process is going on right now. She said that all segments and all communities met with a common demand. "This situation will result in important developments."

Stating that the Iranian state deprived all peoples of their rights, especially women, on a sexist basis, Gulan Fehim said: "The people are struggling against the regime in the streets and will not give up this resistance until they achieve results. They are paying a heavy price for this, and this level of struggle will bring great success."

No need to rely on foreign powers

Addressing the people of Rojhilat who are resisting, Gulan Fehim said: "Our people should believe in their own strength and practice self-defense, without relying on any foreign power. Our people have never been violent. If Iran wants to solve this problem, it should listen to the demands of the people."

Fehim underlined that the people are united and added: "If Iran does not start the process of change in line with the demands of the people, our people will continue their struggle in every field. We believe that this resistance will pave the way for great success not only in Rojhilat and Iran, but also in the whole region."


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