Jailed Kurdish politicians shave their hair in solidarity with Jîna Amini

Jailed Kurdish politicians shave their hair in solidarity with Jîna Amini

  • Date: September 24, 2022
  • Categories:Rights
Οι φυλακισμένοι Κούρδοι πολιτικοί ξυρίζουν τα μαλλιά τους σε ένδειξη αλληλεγγύης με τη Μαχσά Αμινί

Jailed Kurdish politicians shave their hair in solidarity with Jîna Amini

“It is not the responsibility of only women to resist oppression and tyranny,” jailed former co-chair of Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Selahattin Demirtaş said as he announced that he and Selçuk Mızraklı, jailed former mayor of Diyarbakır (Amed), shaved off their hair in solidarity with protests in Iran over the death of Jîna Amini.