One ISIS member arrested, another neutralized by SDF in Deir ez-Zor kurdishvoice2022-07-14T16:17:15+02:00 [...] One ISIS member arrested, another neutralized by SDF in Deir ez-Zorkurdishvoice2022-07-14T16:17:15+02:00
SDC is in dialogue with Russia to avoid Turkey’s aggression in NE Syria: top AANES official kurdishvoice2022-07-14T16:00:32+02:00 [...] SDC is in dialogue with Russia to avoid Turkey’s aggression in NE Syria: top AANES officialkurdishvoice2022-07-14T16:00:32+02:00
Disney translators to tread lightly on Turkey’s flashpoints kurdishvoice2022-07-13T17:57:47+02:00 [...] Disney translators to tread lightly on Turkey’s flashpointskurdishvoice2022-07-13T17:57:47+02:00
Airstrike kills ISIS leader in Syria, says Pentagon kurdishvoice2022-07-13T16:02:47+02:00 [...] Airstrike kills ISIS leader in Syria, says Pentagonkurdishvoice2022-07-13T16:02:47+02:00
Prominent Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi arrested in Tehran kurdishvoice2022-07-12T16:31:04+02:00 [...] Prominent Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi arrested in Tehrankurdishvoice2022-07-12T16:31:04+02:00
Mehmet Öcalan: I have no expectations from this state or its law! kurdishvoice2022-07-12T16:14:33+02:00 [...] Mehmet Öcalan: I have no expectations from this state or its law!kurdishvoice2022-07-12T16:14:33+02:00
Swedish MP Kakabaveh: ‘Sweden extradited four people’ kurdishvoice2022-07-12T15:56:20+02:00 [...] Swedish MP Kakabaveh: ‘Sweden extradited four people’kurdishvoice2022-07-12T15:56:20+02:00
Janeth Biehl publishes graphic novel on Rojava kurdishvoice2022-07-12T09:38:01+02:00 [...] Janeth Biehl publishes graphic novel on Rojavakurdishvoice2022-07-12T09:38:01+02:00
Protests in Stockholm against trilateral memorandum kurdishvoice2022-07-11T17:00:03+02:00 [...] Protests in Stockholm against trilateral memorandumkurdishvoice2022-07-11T17:00:03+02:00
Kurdish MP’s parliamentary question on perpetrator of horrific genocide left unanswered kurdishvoice2022-07-10T16:30:05+02:00 [...] Kurdish MP’s parliamentary question on perpetrator of horrific genocide left unansweredkurdishvoice2022-07-10T16:30:05+02:00