Catalan musicians perform in Barcelona in support of Kurdish people
Catalan musicians perform in Barcelona in support of Kurdish people
Prominent Catalan musicians on Saturday performed before a predominantly European audience in Barcelona, calling for freedom for the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Öcalan and other political prisoners in Turkey.
Catalan and Kurdish musicians performed on Saturday in the Catalonia Autonomous Community’s capital Barcelona, to show solidarity with the Kurds and to call for freedom for political prisoners in Turkey, including the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Öcalan.

During the event, prominent Catalan musicians and bands such as Clara Peya, Las Bajas Pasiones, Mabel Flores, Ebri Knight, Lil Rússia and Adala took to the stage.
Musicians performed to a predominantly European audience for the purpose of helping to tell of the Kurdish people’s struggle so it can be heard around the world.
Several Catalan politicians spoke at the concert, calling for an international struggle to end the severe isolation imposed on Öcalan in İmralı Island Prison in northwest Turkey.
Spain’s Catalonia region is one of the primary centres of support for the Kurdish freedom movement, and the Catalan Parliament is the only governmental assembly in the world to officially recognise the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) as of today.
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