Activists in Naples block Turkish Airlines counter

Activists in Naples block Turkish Airlines counter

  • Date: December 1, 2022
  • Categories:Rights
Ακτιβιστές στη Νάπολη και το Βερολίνο απέκλεισαν τα γκισέ της Turkish Airlines

Activists in Naples block Turkish Airlines counter

Activists in Naples blocked the check-in counter of a Turkish airlines flight at Naples International Airport.

Activists in Naples carried out an action at the Turkish airlines check-in counter at Naples International Airport.

As in so many other parts of Italy and Europe, the activists denounced the bombing carried out by Turkey against Northern and Eastern Syria (Rojava) since 19 November amidst the complicit silence of the international community.

The activists said: "Those same governments and media that praised the popular resistance of Kurdish women to the patriarchal fascism of the Islamic State are now silent in the face of the attacks by the fascist Erdogan regime, NATO's second army.

They are silent because of the huge interests related to the arms trade, gas, and refugee segregation in Turkey. All the reasons why even an authoritarian and violent regime has become 'friendly'."

Passengers on their way to Istanbul were taken aback when a group of people lined up in front of the check-in counters at Berlin airport on Wednesday afternoon when Turkish Airlines' check-in opened, blocking them. According to the activists, Turkish Airlines contributes a significant share of Turkey's tourism revenue, which in turn goes to the war against the people of Kurdistan, which is against international law.

An activist explained that they will not tolerate Erdogan getting his dirty war financed while a new invasion of Rojava is being prepared and poison gas is being used every day against the HPG and YJA Star guerrillas in Southern Kurdistan. The counter had to be closed due to the action. The activists were prevented from leaving the airport building.


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