Europe: HDP MP calls for airspace ban in Sinjar against Turkish airstrikes
Europe: HDP MP calls for airspace ban in Sinjar against Turkish airstrikes
- Date: February 1, 2022
- Categories:Rights

- Date: February 1, 2022
- Categories:Rights
Europe: HDP MP calls for airspace ban in Sinjar against Turkish airstrikes
Feleknas Uca, a former EP member, addressed the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and urged states to impose an airstrike ban in Sinjar. She also asked how the ISIS militants in their recent attack in northeast Syria were armed with NATO weapons.
Feleknas Uca, MP and co-spokesperson for the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and a former member of the European Parliament (EP), attended a meeting of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly through video conference and called for an airspace ban in Sinjar (Shengal), northern Iraq, against continuous Turkish airstrikes.
She’s also asked how the Islamic State (ISIS) militants were in possession of NATO weapons in their recent attack against a prison compund in northeast Syria.
“The Yazidis who’d been subjected to crimes against humanity returned to Shengal to start a new life, and while they were engaged in setting up their own means of defence and forming women’s assemblies they became the target, this time, of Turkish airstrikes,” she said in her address to the general assembly.
“The Turkish drones repeatedly bombed the defence units of Yazidis alongside other targets such as medical centres, leaving behind many civilian casualties. The least the international community can do is to shield the Yazidis from such airstrikes. I’m now calling for a ban on the overflight of Shengal airspace.”
Uca then referred to the recent ISIS attack against the Sina’a prison in Haseke, northeast Syria, which housed thousands of detainees affiliated with ISIS, indicating that the whole world has witnessed an attempt of a mass break-out.
“The situation showed us that the ISIS militants were supported by certain powers,” she said. “Furthermore, the ISIS militants possessed weapons of NATO origin. I want to ask here: How did these weapons get into the hands of these miltants in Rojava [Northeast Syria]? It’s a duty for all of us to deal with this problem. It was Shengal yesterday, today it’s Kobane. The whole world is under threat.”
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