Ehmed at YPJ Congress calls for promotion of revolutionary people’s war
Ehmed at YPJ Congress calls for promotion of revolutionary people’s war
- Date: May 4, 2022
- Categories:Rights

- Date: May 4, 2022
- Categories:Rights
Ehmed at YPJ Congress calls for promotion of revolutionary people’s war
“The steps taken in North-East Syria should be expanded to the whole of Syria, the Middle East and the world. This can be achieved by organizing and uniting women’s work and increasing the women’s military force,” said Commander Ehmed.
The Women’s Defense Units (YPJ) is holding its third conference in the northern Syrian city of Heseke under the motto “YPJ is the force to defend women and the land and end the occupation."
With the participation of several hundred delegates, including members of the umbrella organization of North-East Syrian women's movement Kongra Star and the autonomous women's unit Social Defense Forces (HPC-Jin), two days of discussions will be held to evaluate the past three years and develop new methods for the struggle. The results will be summarized in a final statement.
Making the opening speech of the conference, Newroz Ehmed, a member of the General Command of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), stressed the need to strengthen the awareness and culture of the people's revolutionary war in North-East Syria, the Middle East and the world.
Newroz Ehmed praised the great sacrifices made by the Women's Protection Units, which -she said- enabled the peoples of North-East Syria to live in safety, stability and peace. "On this occasion, we remember all our fighters who sacrificed themselves," she added.
Ehmed emphasized that women in North-East Syria and the YPJ have proven to societies and the world that women are able to lead revolutions, assume their responsibilities in defending their revolution, and give the world a new meaning of resistance and sacrifice.
The SDF/YPJ commander remarked that the achievements made in the North-East Syrian revolution are an outcome of the will and commitment developed against the patriarchal mentality. “This system continues its efforts to annihilate women and their won achievements. In order for women’s organization to be improved and more gains to be achieved, we must increase the substantive breadth of our engagement and permanently anchor our activities in every part of northern and eastern Syria."
Newroz Ehmed continued, “The steps taken in North-East Syria should be expanded to the whole of Syria, the Middle East and the world. This can be achieved by organizing and uniting women’s work, increasing the women’s military force and participating in the ranks of the YPJ. On the other hand, self-defense and the defense of society must be strengthened, and women and peoples in the region must base on revolutionary people’s war to secure the achievements they have made.”
The commander called for enhanced struggle for the liberation of the occupied areas by the Turkish state, adding, “We see the liberation of Efrîn (Afrin), Serêkaniyê (Ras al-Ain) and Girê Spî (Tal Abyad) as one of our main responsibilities and priorities."
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