Bayık says Turkey & KDP implement US, UK, Israel and Germany’s war in Kurdistan
Bayık says Turkey & KDP implement US, UK, Israel and Germany’s war in Kurdistan
- Date: May 7, 2022
- Categories:Interviews,Rights

- Date: May 7, 2022
- Categories:Interviews,Rights
Bayık says Turkey & KDP implement US, UK, Israel and Germany’s war in Kurdistan
Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) Co-Chair Cemil Bayık said that USA, Britain, Israel and Germany are behind the war waged by Turkey and KDP in Kurdistan which is why they remain silent in the face of the current military offensives against Kurdistan communities.
Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) published an interview conducted with Cemil Bayik, KCK Co-Chair, about the latest developments in Kurdistan, the Middle East and the world.

Cemil Bayık continued:
“To put it in a nutshell: Everything is being done in order to make it impossible for the Kurds to live in Kurdistan.
Yet, none of these forces have protested against this even once. They have never asked why all this is happening. Why? Because they themselves are the ones who are responsible for this policy while Turkey and the KDP are the forces tasked with its practical implementation. They have absolutely no intention to protect the people, democracy, freedom, human rights or nature.
For them, their own interests are the only thing that counts.”
In the interview Cemal Bayik stressed that it was important to recognise that these powers do not only target the PKK and the Kurdish people, but the Middle East as a whole; he said: “They themselves talk about this very openly. They want to impose an Ottoman style policy on the Middle East. The Arab people and the other peoples in the region know this policy very well. They remember very well what the Ottomans did to them. That is why all these different peoples have also protested against this Ottoman policy.”
Pointing out that because of the war between Russia and Ukraine, western powers now want to cut off Russian gas supplies to Europe and instead supply Europe with gas from the Middle East, Bayık said:
“This gas pipeline passes through Kurdistan. Therefore, the goal of these forces is to control this corridor. This is why they want to destroy the PKK and silence the Kurdish people. They think that by doing so, they will be able to easily transfer Middle Eastern gas to Europe. But they are wrong. Anybody who takes a hostile stance against the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) and the Kurdish people pursues a wrong plan.”
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