Ten years of the Rojava Revolution: What to do?
Ten years of the Rojava Revolution: What to do?
- Date: April 9, 2022
- Categories:Rights

- Date: April 9, 2022
- Categories:Rights
Ten years of the Rojava Revolution: What to do?
July 19 marks the tenth anniversary of the start of the Rojava Revolution. To prepare and position itself in times of change, Kon-Med suggests looking to this beacon in the search for alternative models of society.
July 19, 2012 marks the beginning of one of the most significant revolutions of the 21st century: the Rojava Revolution. On that day, the uprising in Kobanê gave birth to an emancipatory and social project that is a beacon of hope not only for Syria and the Middle East, but ultimately for the entire world. The people of the Democratic Federation of Northeast Syria have not only succeeded in beating back the barbarism of the so-called ISIS. Their newly organized coexistence opens up prospects for a more just, peaceful and free world.
In view of the tenth anniversary of the revolution, Zübeyde Zümrüt and Engin Sever, the co-presidents of the Kurdish umbrella organization Kon-Med, have now presented an appeal entitled "What to do?" with suggestions on how to mark this day. Furthermore, in view of the current crises, they propose to start looking for alternative models of society in order to prepare and position themselves in times of change. The Rojava revolution could be a shining example in this regard.
"On July 19, 2022, the revolution in Rojava will celebrate its tenth anniversary. A revolution prepared by decades of preliminary work by the Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan was able to emerge and blossom ten years ago during the Arab Spring and in the midst of the Syrian civil war. State forces withdrew from the region and the self-defense forces that had been formed began to beat back the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) piece by piece. Meanwhile, people began to create self-governing structures that included all ethnicities and all faith communities on the ground. The further ISIS was pushed back, the broader the social organization in Rojava became.
What is the situation of the revolution in Rojava after almost ten years?
Neither the constant attacks by ISIS and the Turkish state nor the comprehensive economic embargo faced by Rojava have been able to intimidate the people. Defying all these aggressions, the people of the region built, step by step, a self-government based on the idea of the non-state concept of democratic confederalism.
Always keeping in mind the three pillars of democratic confederalism - women's liberation, social ecology and grassroots democracy - all areas of life were reorganized. An alternative educational, health and legal system was created. An alternative economic model, which places the establishment of cooperatives at its center, is also spreading more and more. The right of every citizen to have a say is ensured by the communities and councils that have been created. Last but not least, organized self-defense is an important factor in protecting self-government in northern and eastern Syria.
What does the revolution in Rojava mean for us?
Rojava became known primarily for the fight of the YPG and YPJ (People's Defense Units and Women's Defense Units) against ISIS. But the importance of this region goes far beyond the armed resistance that has been waged there. In Rojava, not only was the world protected from jihadist terror, but also a democratic model was created there that represents hope for people worldwide. The Rojava revolution may have its starting point in the Middle East, but it is a system that can be thought of and lived globally.
Today we live in times when one crisis is followed by another. Almost every day, new threats seem to emerge that endanger all of humanity. We are indeed on the verge of changing times. It is precisely against this background that it is important to embark on a search for alternative models of society. The revolution of Rojava can serve as a shining example for all of us in this regard.
What to do?
The revolution itself and its ten years of resistance have only been possible because of the international solidarity that has accompanied it from the beginning and that it still experiences today. Accordingly, we as Kon-Med call for July 19, 2022 to be taken as an occasion to celebrate here in all cities, in all villages and everywhere, this day, as the day of the revolution. Organize large and small street festivals, concerts or other events. Network with local structures to existing soli committees and establish contact with our local associations and council structures. If you need help, you are also welcome to approach us. The revolution of Rojava is our common revolution! Therefore, its tenth anniversary is also reason enough to celebrate together! Bijî Şoreşa Rojava!"
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